Last Thursday was my six month CT Scan at the U of M Hospital, a routine meant to keep an eye on the lymphoma that caused emergency surgery while on vacation in July of 2002. That appointment is regularly followed by another appointment for blood and other tests at which time they give you all the results. That was today.
I am joyful and praise-filled because I can share that there was no recognized continuance or growth of the disease at all! They were very pleased, and Pat and I were most thankful. Dr. Kaminski was stuck in an airport in Minnesota, but we were able to see his assistant and get the good news (which we passed on almost immediately on Twitter. See PM's Tweets in the lower right column of this Blog).
There is much that is going on in this day and age – so many sins and perversions – that it makes one cower. On this day 10 years ago most of us have seared in our minds the broadcast news images of the Columbine High School massacre. Life, then and now, is continually being devalued, demeaned, and desecrated. On the other hand, to live in a day and age where chemo and Bexxar, an injection of radiation that seeks out lymph sites, can be administered for your health and healing under God’s providence and wisdom is a miraculous blessing.
I personally believe that God is still working today in awesome ways.
There are no greater ways than in God’s Word and the Sacrament. In and through them I am assured of the greatest healing known to man – a healing I have – the forgiveness of sins. With that forgiveness as Luther says, “There is life, eternal life, and salvation.” What that means is … by God’s grace … I can’t lose! As I continue to live now it is for a purpose, but when I die, that is gain. (Paul’s comments are very instructive and helpful in Philippians 1:21-26)
Physical healing is wonderful! Helping to proclaim the transforming Gospel to all – like the kids at Columbine – PRICELESS.
Thanks for your continued prayers.