One of the blessings of being a District President (I'm learning) is the privilege of being able to read books and other materials prior to their publication (with the opportunity also of being able to suggest and submit possible 'improvements'). President Hoesman shared one such resource with me in August of 2009 during a transition meeting. It is entitled This We Believe with a subtitle of Selected Topics of Faith and Practice in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. (The underlined title/subtitle are dynamic links that will take you directly to the order page at Concordia Publishing House [CPH].)
This We Believe is a outstanding resource that I've already referenced many times. Whether sharing information and suggestions with pastors questioning how to respond to challenging questions and situations or discussing some of the LC-MS's doctrinal stances with laity, it is a most useful reference tool.
The following are a few excerpts from the Preface of This We Believe explaining its purpose and content: "What is the position of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod on ...?" This is