As a child I was always amazed at the story related in 2 Kings 6:8-17. There Elisha thwarts the King of Aram who despised Israel
and wanted to “kidnap” Elisha himself. Elisha’s attendant (servant) who gets up early one morning is startled, truly frightened, to an army of horses and chariots encircling his master’s city. But Elisha assures his attendant not to be frightened telling him that there were far more fighting on their side than on Aram
's. Then he prayed that his servant’s eyes would be opened, and when they were, Elisha’s servant saw “hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha,” that is, God’s army ready to defend His prophet.
It’s a vivid picture that helps to color what the Apostle Paul states in Ephesians 6:10-12: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. There is a war going on all around us! Satan and his evil armies of darkness surround us to their best to “steal, kill, and destroy” us (John 10:10). Did you get that?! Nothing less than TO STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY US! But God is always present with Christ and with Calvary
’s and Easter’s blood bought victory, and with His angel armies, to defend us, to strengthen us, and to fight in our behalf.
May God open our eyes to see! We have been naïve too long to Satan’s horrendous schemes, and the phenomenal spiritual battles that are going on all around us … and are directed at us. Knowing all that is happening at Our Savior, and being somewhat aware of what God has planned for our future, I was at first surprised by some of the “evil” (“evil” as in directly influenced by Satan) things happening in our church, our school, and in the personal lives of our members. How naïve was I to not recognize Satan’s attacks on God’s people who are continually trying to live for Him, follow Him, and expand the kingdom for and with Him. I know better. I know that Satan has the world “sowed up” so he is going to work his evil best and hardest on God’s church and on God’s people.
We have too long misidentified the enemy as this person or that person that really bugs me or offended me, when that person is not the enemy, but just the tool, perhaps, in Satan’s hand. Our fight is NOT against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, against the spiritual forces of darkness! God help us!! … because Satan appears to be having his way with us at times and we may be unaware. It can be recognized in attitudes, lack of obedience, excuses, “judgmentalism”, immorality, personal agendas, and the like.
Here’s the good news. Although we will ALWAYS be fighting in some spiritual battle this side of heaven, THE WAR HAS ALEADY BEEN WON! Joined to Christ in our baptisms we have not only been forgiven of our sins, our misdeeds and apathy, but we have also been joined to Christ and given His victory over Satan, and His strength to fight and resist. John writes in his first epistle (1Jn.4:4): “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world;” and the Apostle James encourages (4:7): “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will (must) flee from you.” Great encouragement also comes from understanding that God has also given us so many weapons with which to do battle (Ephesians 6:13-18).
For the next three Sunday’s the sermon series will be entitled, “Follow the Victor, Fight the Enemy,” and will deal with spiritual battles, or what many call “spiritual warfare”. I am convinced that this is a most timely, crucially important sermon series. It is for everyone. Please don’t be absent from worship! Only the Enemy would want you to miss out! And please pray for Pastor Olsen and myself during this series, as well as our entire staff and congregation, for as we confront the Enemy head on, as we get closer to the goal line of continuing victory in Christ, the yardage gets tougher. May our Champion, Victor, and Captain – Jesus – be mightily present to bless the outcome for His honor and glory, and for His kingdom’s advancement.